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- Hennessy Catholic College Young Community Council (HCCY CC) Report Term 1 2025
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Welcome to our first newsletter of 2025! We have had a busy and very positive start to the year welcoming back current students and staff and 120 new students and 6 new teaching staff.
Our Year 7 cohort is 84 and we have 26 students in Year 11 as well as students across other year groups. Our new staff are:
- Miss Elaine Zukauskas is on the College Executive Team and has taken up a new role as Director of Student Growth. Miss Zukauskas has taught in many Sydney schools and will be teaching Physics and Science.
- Mrs Imogen Gallagher is our new Mathematics Leader and has most recently worked in Adelaide. She will be teaching across all maths levels.
- Miss Nicole Thompson has moved to Young from northern NSW and is an experienced English teacher who will also be teaching Work Studies.
- Mrs Molly Costello has previously worked in Wagga and is joining the Hennessy staff to teach Religious Education, Food Technology and Visual Arts.
- Mr Brad Thompson and Mr Shane Astill are also joining our staff as Contract Relief teachers.
We are very fortunate to have such highly qualified and experienced staff join our community.
The Catholic Church has declared 2025 a Jubilee Year - Pilgrims of Hope. The College is focusing on this theme which fits nicely into our Vision Statement ‘Live spiritually, learn dynamically, act justly … inspiring futures of hope’. This theme will be unpacked in RE classes and assemblies throughout the year.
Our annual swimming carnival was held under very hot conditions last Friday. Mr Brendan Croese and his very capable team need to be congratulated for this well organised and fun day. Student participation was very high and previous records, some very long-standing were broken. Rice stepped up to win their first carnival in some time - congratulations Rice!
On Tuesday we hosted Year 7 parents for a Meet and Greet. This was a wonderful opportunity for parents to learn about what is happening at Hennessy for Year 7 in 2025. They were also able to meet their child’s teachers and to socialise with other parents.
Mrs Natalie Turner, the School Community Council Chairperson, spoke at the evening about the role of the Council. She also asked for nominations for two vacancies that we now have on the Council. Please return the Expression of Interest at the end of this newsletter to Mrs Nadine Woods, Council Secretary, if you are interested in taking on one of these important roles. The Council meets once a term and is looking to run more fundraising and community events in 2025.
A big thank you to the Community Council for funding a new seating area in the playground. This has been very popular with students during break times.
Once again, we are focusing on safe and orderly classrooms with consistent routines. We are proud of our students and their achievements and want to ensure that every student has the best opportunity to learn. If you have any concerns please do not hesitate to contact me, one of the KLA (Key Learning Areas Leaders, House Leaders of your child’s teacher. A full list of staff and their roles appears in this newsletter.
Wishing everyone all the best for a happy and successful 2025.
It was lovely to see so many families on Tuesday evening. They have had a wonderful start of the year and we are looking forward to them being part of our community. Slides from the evening will be made available via Compass.
We have been refining the classroom concerns process as such, here are the updated steps and stages. As well as the sanctions for each stage for students who are not meeting our College expectations.
-1, Classroom Concern Level 1 Any Subject - Warning and Chronicle Entry (management by classroom teacher), -1 point for student.
-2, Classroom Concern Level 2 Any Subject - Warning and Chronicle Entry (management by classroom teacher, KLA leader and contact made with parents by the staff member who wrote the concern), -2 points for student and an email sent to student.
- 3, Classroom Concern Level 3 Any Subject - Automated Chronicle Email to parents/carers (management by classroom teacher, KLA leader and contact made with parents by the staff member who wrote the concern), -3 for student. The student will be withdrawn from representing the College in extracurricular activities, including excursions and sports teams for 3 weeks.
-4, Classroom Concern Level 4 Any Subject - (management by classroom teacher, KLA leader. Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning, Phone Call to Parents/Guardians, -4 for student. The student will be removed from the playground for a week and will be withdrawn from representing the College in extracurricular activities, including excursions and sports teams for that term.
-5, Classroom Concern Level 5 Any Subject - management by classroom teacher and KLA leader and Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning Phone Call to Parents/Carers to organise class withdrawal for a day and an interview with Assistant Principal. The student will be removed from the playground for a week and will be withdrawn from representing the College in extracurricular activities, including excursions and sports teams for that term.
-6, Classroom Concern Level 5 Any Subject - management by classroom teacher and KLA leader and Assistant Principal - Teaching and Learning Phone Call to parents/carers to organise a one-day external suspension and an interview with Assistant Principal. Students will also be removed from representing the College in extracurricular activities including excursions and sports teams for the rest of the term.
Next Tuesday, 18th February at 6pm. We will be hosting our Year 11 Information Evening. During the evening, students will hear about the NESA rules and expectations for Stage 6, we will discuss processes around Assessment Tasks that would be new to students. All students/parents are expected to attend.
Year 11 subject changes will cease on Friday 21st February, 2025. No students will be able to alter their study pattern. Should you need to discuss your child’s study pattern please contact Mr Ian Mergard or I in the coming days.
This week, I have been walking around our classrooms and seeing what wonderful lessons our students are part of. This sparked an idea – each fortnight, I will showcase the great things our staff are doing in class.
The students in this class have been exploring the development of the Modern World, with a focus on the impact of the Industrial Revolution in Europe and Australia. They have been particularly engaged in studying slavery, demonstrating strong interest in the sources, active participation in discussions, and impressive depth in their writing.
Keep an eye out on our social for class spotlight photos coming soon!
Welcome back to another great year of learning at Hennessy! It has been wonderful to see all the students return and actively engage in their learning. We are excited about the opportunities that lie ahead for our students and staff this year.
This year, we have formalized the next step of our Behaviour Standards by producing the Behaviour Standards Statement of Practice. This document outlines the responsibilities of staff, students, and the community regarding our expected standards of behaviour. Hennessy has a proud history of excellent behaviour both in our community and within the school.
The behaviour standards table, created in collaboration with the KLA and House Leader team, was presented to staff and students at the beginning of the school year. It is important to note that while behaviour can sometimes be viewed in isolation, we understand that behaviour issues may arise when students feel unable to engage with their learning. We have taken this into consideration when creating this document.
Along with the standards, students and staff were introduced to the 3 R's Document. This document provides an important opportunity for students to reflect on behaviours that do not align with the standards table, take responsibility for their actions, and develop resilience in repairing the situation. This will also form part of the Classroom Concerns Process.
We invite all community members to celebrate the beginning of the school year with our **Opening Mass** in the College Hall at 10 AM on **Friday, February 21st**.
Additionally, this week marks the closing of nominations for Year 8, 9, 10 Year Level Captains and Year 11 House Vice Captain nominations. We are excited to hear what the candidates will have to share with us at the beginning of next week, and we will present the badges during the opening school mass.
Uniform reminder: as the new year begins it is great to see minimal uniform infringements, a reminder that the only day students should be in sports uniform is Thursday, unless otherwise organised and informed on Compass. There have been a few students who have grown over the holidays and now have skirts at inappropriate lengths, could these please be addressed as soon as possible.
Should you be interested in being Baptised, receive Holy Communion or be Confirmed, please email me at This is the last call for these Sacraments. Program begining week 4.
Thank you for your continued support and commitment to making Hennessy a wonderful place for learning. We look forward to a fantastic year ahead!
The Leaders Lounge - Leadership Article
Welcome back to our first week of Leadership Lounge for 2025! This week brought to you by our School Captains Madi & Josh. Hope you have all enjoyed these super warm and sunny days lately and enjoyed your 6-week break.
Last week we held our annual swimming carnival which was a great success! It was amazing to see so many incredible costumes as students dressed up in this year's theme of “Aussie Icons”. It was even better to see so many bright and happy faces as students had a crack, as they cooled off in the pool on what was a hot sunny day filled with loads of fun and participation!
On Tuesday we had our year 7 meet and greet. It was so amazing to be able to get to know all the year 7 students and their families as we look forward to spending an exciting year ahead. Next week (week 3) we begin our Year 11 Vice-Captain and Year level Captain speeches and voting. The leadership team heavily encourages all students to have a go as it's a perfect opportunity to get involved with leadership, especially for those students who plan on doing it in future years. We look forward to working with all those successful students. Looking forward to the rest of the year there are so many exciting events currently being organised by the leadership team to bring fun and joy to all! Make sure you stay tuned for when they come.
All four Houses have continued with their competitive spirit from last year! With a strong win from Nagle last year, they have taken a turn with ambitious competition from Rice. Rice has taken the win after not getting the blue first place ribbon since 2018, in the swimming carnival, Mrs Cass, Izaiah, and Lachie have worked hard and we cannot wait to see what else they can pull off through the next few terms.
That wraps up this week's edition of the Leadership Lounge. We can’t wait to see you all next time!
Madi & Josh
College Captains
Hennessy Catholic College Young Community Council (HCCY CC) Report Term 1 2025
New Year, New Opportunities
As we embark on a new school year, we look forward to new opportunities to connect, collaborate, and contribute to our Hennessy Catholic College community.
Tuesday evening was a wonderful start to connect with the families of our new Year 7 students at the Meet and Greet. The evening was well-organised and informative. It was a fantastic opportunity to network with families, staff, and to strengthen the sense of community that makes our school so special.
Vision for 2025 HCCY CC
This year, the Community Council’s focus is on promoting engagement between the school, families, and the wider community. We believe that by working together, we can continue to support and enhance the educational experience of our students.
To achieve this, we are hoping to run family and community events. To orchestrate this we have the capacity to form sub-committees under the NEW Community Council Charter. If you’re interested in being part of this team or would like more information, please contact the school office and we can hopefully spearhead a committee ASAP. I assure you, to do this sort of stuff doesn’t take much time or skill! Sometimes it’s as easy as spreading the word, plus it’s a whole lot of fun!
Join the Community Council – 2 Positions Vacant
If you feel, you can commit to at least one meeting a term and be involved in supporting the mission of Catholic education in our school. WE WANT YOU! If you are interested, please drop a note or email Ms N Woods – Secretary stating an Expression of Interest (EOI) in the position. The Community Council is advisory in nature, however we make decisions on how we spend the money we raise. The Council provides an important forum for consultation and a means for members to share their skills and talents for the greater good of the school. If we receive more than 2 EOI, we go to a vote. The office details are Close of EOI is the 26th of February 2025.
Upcoming Webinars & Resources
Stay informed and engaged with the latest updates and resources from:
- Catholic Education Canberra Goulburn: |
- Council of Catholic School Parents: |
- Hennessy Catholic College Young: |
I have attached 3 upcoming webinars and events that offer valuable insight for families and educators. They are ALL FREE
A free online webinar for parents and carers
Presented by Mary Ryan, Head of Professional Learning, CSNSW
Two sessions offered:
25 February, 12.30pm – 1pm
26 February, 7.30pm – 8pm
Learn the basic language of school so that you can better engage with your child’s school and learning:
A free online webinar for parents and carers of primary school-aged students
Presented by Beyond
Wednesday 5 March 2025
12:30pm – 1pm
Help your child find their passion and pathway:
1. How to encourage curiosity, creativity and confidence in your child
2. Practical tips on introducing the idea of careers early
3. Helpful resources
Algorithms and Adolescents
A free online webinar for parents and carers of upper primary and secondary school-aged students
Presented by eSafety Commissioner
Wednesday 19 March 2025
7pm – 7.30pm
Helpful topics such as –
- How young people are using some of the popular social networking apps and games
- The role of algorithms and recommender systems in influencing how children and young people experience the online world, including potential harms and impacts
- Strategies to have better conversations with your children about social media use, managing content and reporting negative online experiences
Thank you for your ongoing support, and I look forward to working with you all throughout the year.
God Bless,
Natalie Turner
Hennessy Catholic College Young Community Council
The 2025 Swimming Carnival was a fantastic day, starting with Nagle showing their clear intentions for the year with a convincing victory in the War Cry competition. A standout moment of the day was the breaking of eight records by our talented swimmers, with special mention to Ashlee Peacey, who set an impressive five new records.
Ashlee Peacey
– 16 Years Girls 50m Freestyle – 30.10 (Previous: Lucy Williams, 30.75 in 2013)
– 16 Years Girls 100m Freestyle – 1:08.36 (Previous: Ellie Rutter, 1:13.37 in 2017)
– 16 Years Girls 50m Butterfly – 33.77 (Previous: Ellie Rutter, 34.18 in 2017)
– 16 Years Girls 50m Breaststroke – 38.98 (Previous: Ellie Rutter, 40.94 in 2017)
– 16 Years Girls 200m Individual Medley – 2:47.05 (Previous: Ellie Rutter, 2:55.91 in 2017)
Grace Derrick
– Open Girls 50m Breaststroke – 38.66 (Previous: Emme Williams, 42.39 in 2015)
– Open Girls 50m Backstroke – 36.61 (Previous: Lucy Williams, 37.91 in 2013)
Eliza Taylor
– Open Girls 50m Freestyle – 30.19 (Previous: Anna Bewley, 30.56 in 2013)
Congratulations to the 2025 Swimming Age Champions:
13 Girls Champion: Chloe Buck
13 Girls Runner-Up: Lexie McGovern
13 Boys Champions: Samuel Presser & Rory Brodbeck
14 Girls Champion: Ivy Murphy
14 Girls Runner-Up: Bonny Bromham
14 Boys Champion: Michael Oakley
14 Boys Runner-Up: Eli Terry
15 Girls Champion: Sybella Murphy
15 Girls Runner-Up: Malayah Anesbury
15 Boys Champion: George Presser
15 Boys Runner-Up: Harry Robinson
16 Girls Champion: Ashlee Peacey
16 Girls Runner-Up: Emily Buck
16 Boys Champion: Mitchell Gibson
16 Boys Runner-Up: Nicholas Bailey
17+ Girls Champion: Grace Derrick
17+ Girls Runner-Up: Emma Simmons
17+ Boys Champion: Archie Blackman
17+ Boys Runner-Up: Sid Van Leeuwen
Congratulations to Rice House, who claimed victory with 599 points, followed by:
2nd – Nagle House – 567 points
3rd – Gallagher House – 484 points
4th – McAuley House – 460 points








































































































Hennessy Catholic College
School Photography Date: 12/02/2025
Dear Parents,
School photos have now been taken. Group and portrait photographs can be purchased for 7 days from the day photos are taken, after which late fees/additional charges will be incurred.
Purchase before late fees apply via:
Visa, MasterCard or PayPal
Or visit:
And enter online order code: Z9K THF WTV
School photography information:
- Online orders - do not require an envelope returned to your school
- Late fees - a late fee will be applied to each package purchased more than 7 days after photo day due to the additional cost of producing these packages separately
- Package delivery - School photographs will be returned approximately 6 weeks after the day of photography. Please note this delivery timeframe is dependent on proofing and additional photography days at your school.
- Previous Years’ photos - Past years’ photographs including sports, co-curricular and representative groups are also available to order under the 'previous years or group photo' tabs at your school’s advancedorder site when you click on the 'Order School Photos Here' button above. You can also order past packages, portrait images and gifts from your child’s unique, individual and secure advancedyou image archive site using the unique 9 digit image code found on packages you have ordered in the past
advancedlife would like to express our appreciation to Hennessy Catholic College for placing your trust in us. Please remember we offer a 100% money back guarantee on our products to ensure your peace of mind. We would also love to receive your feedback or resolve any issues you may experience as fast as possible, to ensure your satisfaction. If you have any questions, comments or feedback relating to your advancedlife experience please contact us at:
We have been advised by CE that College Fees will be generated next week. Please keep an eye out on your emails for your first statement.
Statements are issued monthly and we ask you to check your junk mail should you not receive yours.
First instalment of fees is due on 14th March 2025.
Due to a direction by CE we are no longer able to offer an "early payment of fees" discount.
Should you wish to discuss your fees please contact Nadine Woods, Business Manager on 63821486 or by email